The Health Benefits of Walking Safaris: Wellness in the Wilderness

The link between nature and mental health is not a new thing, though it is being recognised more and more these days. The renowned architect, Frank Lloyd Wright (who died at 91 in 1959!), famously said: “Study Nature, love Nature, stay close to Nature. It will never fail you.” 

This seems to echo the thought of the great Romantic poet, William Wordsworth (1770 – 1850) in Tintern Abbey perfectly: “Nature never did betray the heart that loved her.” 

The UK Mental Health Foundation puts it unequivocally: “Our relationship with nature – how much we notice, think about and appreciate our natural surroundings – is critical in supporting good mental health and preventing distress.” And what could be better for an in-depth, rewarding exposure to nature and its healing power than a walking safari in Africa? 

Walking towards a baobab tree.
Walking towards a baobab tree in Botswana. Photo: Getty

How Can a Walking Safari Make You Feel Better?

Zambia’s South Luangwa National Park is generally accepted as the birthplace of the walking safari, pioneered in the 1960s by Norman Carr. Walking safaris offer an immersive and unique blend of adventure, exercise and rejuvenation in the wilderness. 

Apart from the extraordinary excitement of encountering wildlife on foot under the guidance of a highly experienced and skilled guide, walking safaris provide significant health benefits. Let’s take a more detailed look at the many restorative, revitalising, and healing benefits of walking safaris.

1. Mindfulness and Presence

A walking safari encourages mindfulness and being fully present in the moment, both essential components of mental health and wellbeing. As you walk through the African bush, populated by a huge diversity of wildlife, the necessity to remain alert and aware puts all your senses into overdrive.  

This fosters not only a profound connection with the present moment, but pushes worries and concerns out of your mind as you’re fully engaged with your natural environment. As this total immersion in the immediate nature experience helps clear your mind of everyday concerns, a healing sense of peace and focus is generated. As we all know, this is often very hard to achieve in the rush and stresses of our busy daily lives.

2. Stress Reduction, Relaxation and Healthful Exercise

The calming effect of being in nature, combined with the healthy physical activity involved in a walking safari, significantly reduces stress levels. Studies are clear that exposure to nature decreases stress, anxiety levels and feelings of anger. If exercise is combined with this exposure to nature, it’s even more effective. 

Access to green spaces has likewise been linked to improved concentration, better attention spans and a lower risk of depression. Studies have shown that spending time outdoors and engaging in physical exercise is effective in lowering the levels of stress hormones like cortisol. All these factors make walking safaris a perfect dual-action activity combining both exercise and relaxation. They offer a natural escape from the pressures of modern life.

3. A Chance to Reset

Finding time to disconnect and reset is more important than ever in our tech- and digitally driven ‘unnatural’ world. The total immersion in nature of a walking safari offers an extremely effective opportunity to unplug from all the distractions, chores, worry and responsibilities of everyday life, and reconnect with oneself. 

The combination of physical activity, exposure to natural beauty, and the simplicity of life in the bush contributes to a sense of overall wellness and can be a powerful reset for both mind and body. A walking safari through the remote and serene baobab-dotted landscapes of Botswana offers a mental restorative much more powerful than many an hour on a therapist’s couch! 

4. Vitamin D and Sunshine

The health benefits of a walking safari include the natural vitamin D obtained from sunlight that so many of us are short of these days. Spending time in the sunshine, with appropriate sun protection, of course, boosts your vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is vital for the body’s immune system, nerve health, and its ability to absorb calcium for good bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis. Good vitamin D levels also improves mood and fosters a feeling of positivity. A walking safari is therefore an excellent way to enhance your physical health and emotional well-being.

Walking into the Dead Vlei in Namibia.
A walking safari in Deadvlei, Namibia. Photo: Getty

Other Benefits of a Walking Safari

1. Connection With Nature

A walking safari provides an unparalleled opportunity to connect with nature on a deep level. Walking through the wilderness allows you to observe the intricate details of the natural world, from the tiny insects that play a crucial role in the ecosystem, to the majestic beauty of Africa’s iconic wildlife. 

For instance, a walking safari in the diverse ecosystems of the Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Crater invariably provides a deep connection with nature. This intimate encounter enhances our understanding and appreciation of the natural world. This fosters a sense of responsibility towards nature, wildlife and habitats, and underlines the urgency of conservation and preservation.

2. A New Perspective

Walking safaris offer a unique perspective on the intricacies of the African landscape and its innumerable inhabitants. Moving at a slower pace and standing at ground level changes the way we see the environment around us. It offers us insights, experiences and views that are impossible to achieve in a vehicle. This new viewpoint can lead to profound personal insights and a deeper appreciation of the complexities of the natural world.

3. Access Areas that Vehicles Can’t Reach

One of the most exciting aspects of a walking safari is the ability to explore areas that are inaccessible by vehicle. This not only means you’ll likely encounter fewer tourists, but also allows you to discover the untouched beauty of secluded areas and the unique wildlife and ecosystems that flourish there. Whether it’s tracking wildlife footprints, navigating through dense foliage or rocky, uneven terrain, or crossing shallow rivers, the sense of adventure in exploring these often remote areas on foot is unparalleled.

4. Meeting Like-Minded People

An often overlooked yet significant benefit of a fitness safari is the opportunity it presents for meeting like-minded individuals. The shared experience of exploring the wilderness on foot can create connections and friendships that last a lifetime. 

Engaging with others who share your enthusiasm for adventure, nature, and conservation can greatly enhance your mental well-being, providing you with social support and a sense of belonging. This also stimulates your mind through engaging conversations and shared experiences. The positive impact of such social connections is well-documented, with studies showing that a strong social network can improve mental health, increase feelings of happiness, and even contribute to a longer life.

A guided walking safari.
A guided walking safari in East Africa. Photo: Getty

Incorporating outdoor fitness into your travel plans through a bush walk safari not only assures you of a great adventure, but also offers notable health benefits. From stress reduction and relaxation to a unique connection with nature, the wellness benefits of a walking safari are significant. 

Numerous wildlife reserves and national parks offer and host walking safaris. These include the Serengeti, Kibale Forest National Park, South Luangwa, the Maasai Mara, Chobe, Etosha, the Sabi Sands and the Kruger, to mention but a very few. So, why not lace up your hiking boots and set off on a bush walk safari facilitated by Discover Africa that promises fun and fitness in the African wilderness?


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

All You Need to Know About Eco-Tourism in Namibia

Namibia, a seemingly endless, mostly arid country in southern Africa, is increasingly being recognised not just for its captivating landscapes and wildlife, but also its commitment to ecological sustainability.

From its haunting Skeleton Coast, to the lush wetlands system of central northern Namibia, to the striking red dunes of the Namib Desert, Namibia has integrated eco-friendly practices into its tourism industry. Let’s take a look at the country’s ecotourism initiatives and how you can be a responsible ecotourist on your next adventure.

Antelope on a sand dune in Namibia.
Springbok on a dune. Photo: Unsplash

Namibia’s Ecotourism Principles

The World Wildlife Fund refers to Namibia as a conservation success story. After becoming independent in 1990, Namibia became the first African country to write environmental protection into its constitution. A law was also passed empowering communities to set up “conservancies” that they manage and benefit from directly.

This has transformed the outlook for people and wildlife in Namibia. In fact, both wildlife and people are thriving. Pre-Covid, conservancy areas were generating more than 150 million Namibian dollars per year. Wildlife numbers have increased dramatically and the number of wildlife conservancies has also grown. Large tracts of land have been created where animals can move freely. An impressive 45.6% of Namibia’s total land area is now available to its wildlife!

Here are the principles that Namibia has employed to work this eco-miracle:

1. Conservation Through Tourism

Namibia actively promotes conservation as a cornerstone of its tourism industry. A portion of the profits from national parks and certain lodges are channelled back into conservation efforts, ensuring protection for the country’s rich biodiversity.

2. Community Engagement

Many eco-lodges and tour operators work in close partnership with local communities. Job creation is an important aspect of this collaboration, and well over 3,200 jobs have been created. As it’s conservatively estimated that five people benefit directly and indirectly from each job created, job creation has an extremely positive impact.

Game rangers, wildlife guides, lodge staff, and anti-poaching rangers often come from the local communities. Community involvement ensures that people benefit directly from tourism, often leading to improvements in local infrastructure, education, and health services.

This has had a positive impact on poaching activities. As local communities get to understand that there is much more long-term benefit in conserving animals than in killing them for a short-term, one-off gain, poachers are largely no longer welcome.

3. Educational Experiences

Namibia’s eco-tour operators prioritise educating visitors about the environment, local cultures, and conservation efforts. Many of these visitors become potent ambassadors for conservation. This leads to increased awareness, better funding and greater involvement in conservation efforts to protect endangered animals like rhinos, pangolins, cheetahs, and others.

A rhino in Etosha National Park.
A rhino in Etosha National Park. Photo: Unsplash

Noteworthy Ecotourism Initiatives in Namibia

1. Communal Conservancies

Today, there are over 86 registered community conservancies in Namibia. Here, communities manage and benefit directly from wildlife tourism on their communal lands. Plans for a further 68 conservancies are underway.

2. Eco-Lodges and Hotels

Eco-accommodation can be loosely defined as accommodation that’s made significant improvements in order to minimise its environmental footprint. At these establishments, conservation is the watchword, and indeed, conservation is a vital cornerstone of any Namibian wildlife experience.

From the infamous Skeleton Coast, to the banks of the ephemeral Hoanib River, to the dramatic red dunes of Sossusvlei in the Namib, many accommodations have gone “green”. More and more Namibian eco-lodges, hotels, guesthouses and campsites utilise sustainable practices such as solar power, water recycling, sustainable building materials, and organic gardening.

3. Establishment of an Eco-Certification System

Eco Awards Namibia is a dynamic alliance of government and private sector organisations that developed an ecotourism certification programme. Receiving an eco “flower” certification is an acknowledgement that a lodge or resort is run according to ecotourism principles and guidelines.

The programme promotes the sustainable use of resources, and advocates the key concepts of recycling, reusing and reducing. It has contributed significantly to Namibia’s impressive conservation success story. Shannon Stowell, the president of the Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA), has said that Namibia “offers one of the most compelling success stories in tourism today”.

4. Adventures with Purpose (Voluntourism)

Voluntourism, a portmanteau word derived from “volunteering” and “tourism”, is the practice of volunteering to work in conservation efforts, community projects, or social initiatives while travelling in a country. The purpose is not just to have a holiday, but to learn more about real life in a country, and to make a positive contribution. Anyone with useful skills, however modest, can do it. All that’s needed is a willingness to get involved, get your hands dirty, and do the job!

In Namibia, voluntourists can get involved in the care and rehabilitation of animals, including big cats, baboons, and birds. If you have a suitable background you can volunteer for community healthcare, teaching, social work, and medical projects.

There are volunteer programmes that focus on indigenous cultures, black rhino conservation, and avian research. Specialised tour operators offer voluntourism opportunities where visitors can participate in community projects or wildlife conservation efforts during their stay.

A shipwreck on the Skeleton Coast.
A shipwreck on the Skeleton Coast. Photo: Unsplash

Popular Ecotourism Destinations in Namibia

NamibRand Nature Reserve

Located in southern Namibia, the NamibRand Nature Reserve adjoins the Namib-Naukluft National Park. The reserve aims to protect the wildlife and the fragile desert ecology of the south-western Namib Desert. The reserve covers more than 200,000 hectares and includes gravel plains, stretches of savannah, vegetated dune belts, and inselbergs.

In the east, the impressive Nubib Mountains form the reserve’s border. The five tourism concessions in the park pay a per-bed daily conservation fee to the reserve. Eco-lodges in the area are committed to sustainable tourism – they offer visitors the chance to enjoy the mesmerising landscapes and wildlife of the reserve in sustainable luxury with a minimal footprint.


Situated on the eastern side of the Skeleton Coast National Park, the mountainous region of Damaraland is truly awe-inspiring. The region is home to a diverse number of desert-adapted species like elephants, rhinos, mountain zebra, the Damara dik-dik, greater kudu, lion, gemsbok (oryx), black-faced impala, eland, and springbok. There is even a pride of desert-adapted lions.

Damaraland also contains the Brandberg, site of the ancient rock famous painting of the White Lady (who happens not to be a lady, actually!). Twyfelfontein also features exceptional Bushmen engravings, as well as the haunting petrified forest’s landscape of enormous fossilised trees. Damaraland has several community-run conservancies that tell an inspiring story of sustainable tourism and community empowerment. They hold to the principle that humans must tread lightly on the land and nature is to be respected at all times.

Etosha National Park

Dominated by its gigantic salt pan, Etosha is one of Africa’s most sought-after safari destinations. This 22,000 square kilometre wilderness, made up mostly of grassland and woodland savannah, is home to a vast array of animals, including the world’s largest population of endangered black rhino. Many of its surrounding lodges and campsites practise sustainable tourism by recycling and conserving water and reducing waste.

A man runs down a sand dune.
Running down a sand dune in Namibia. Photo: Unsplash

Tips for Ecotourists in Namibia

Adhering to these straightforward principles will enrich your ecotourism experience and your interaction with the local people in Namibia:

  • Respect local cultures: Learn basic local customs and greetings.
  • Minimise waste: Use refillable water bottles and avoid single-use plastics.
  • Stay informed: Choose lodges and tour operators with certified eco-credentials.
  • Contribute to local economies: Purchase handicrafts directly from artisans and consider donating to local conservation projects.
Quad biking in the Namib Desert.
Quad biking in the Namib Desert. Photo: Unsplash

Namibia offers visitors stunningly diverse natural landscapes, from dune-filled deserts to wildlife-rich savannahs. By prioritising ecotourism, it ensures that these treasures can be enjoyed responsibly not only today but will be preserved for future generations.

At Discover Africa, we endorse these principles and practices wholeheartedly. Are you also a passionate environmentalist? Let us plan your next safari to Namibia – we’ll ensure you stay in lodges and resorts that also care deeply about our unique planet and its irreplaceable wildlife.

Scheduled Safari vs Tailored Safari Tours – Which is Best for You?

Scheduled tours are branded as a “budget” safari option, while tailored itineraries are viewed as a “luxury” or more “high-end” way to explore Africa’s wildlife-rich destinations. Most travellers make this assumption, but it’s far more nuanced than that.

In essence, scheduled and tailor-made safari tours each have their own merits, catering to different types of travellers and their specific needs.

Understanding the difference between the two is crucial when planning your bucket list trip to experience the majestic wilderness of Africa, irrespective of the destination you prefer.

Let’s look at the details of what a scheduled or tailor-made safari comprises to give you a better sense of which you prefer and ensure you book the right one.

What is a Scheduled Safari Tours?

Scheduled safari tours are pre-arranged itineraries that run on fixed dates throughout the year. These tours often follow well-established routes, ensuring guests experience some of Africa’s most iconic wildlife destinations.

Benefits of a Scheduled Safari:

Scheduled safari tours are best known for their convenience and cost-saving factors. It’s also a winning option for those who want a more social experience.

  • Cost-Effective: Scheduled tours are typically more affordable due to the economies of scale. Group travel can reduce costs significantly, making these tours a great option for budget-conscious travellers.
  • Convenience: With all logistics taken care of, from transportation to accommodation, guests can focus solely on enjoying their safari experience.
  • Social Experience: These tours are perfect for those who enjoy meeting new people and sharing their adventures with a group of like-minded travellers.
Tailored tours offer a slower pace, and bespoke activities like taking time for a relaxing message. Photo Credit | Neptune Ngorongoro Luxury Lodge, Tanzania.

What is a Tailor-Made Safari Tour?

Tailor-made safari tours are itineraries designed to meet the traveller’s specific preferences and interests. These bespoke experiences can include particular destinations, activities, and accommodations, providing a unique and personalized adventure.

Benefits of a Tailor-Made Safari:

Tailor-made safaris are popular with guests looking for a more exclusive experience that is flexible according to their specific preferences.

  • Flexibility: Tailor-made tours offer complete control over the itinerary, allowing travellers to choose where to go, what to see, and how long to stay.
  • Personalized Experience: Whether you’re interested in bird watching, photography, or cultural interactions, tailor-made tours can be customized to match your interests.
  • Exclusive Access: These tours often include access to private reserves and exclusive lodges, providing a more intimate and luxurious safari experience.

Now that we’ve established what each of these tours means let’s look at some real-world examples to help inform your decision on which option will make your African safari experience as special and specific to your needs as possible. If you’re still undecided, get in touch with our safari  experts who can use their fist-hand safari knowledge to guide you, and help plan the perfect safari experience for you.

Safari Pricing Factors for Tours Explained

Tailored safaris can fit any budget, but they’re pricier per person per night than scheduled safaris. When customizing your itinerary, you bear all costs, especially for logistics like flights and ground transportation. In contrast, scheduled safaris share these costs among all guests.

Take the cost of a private vehicle in East Africa, for instance.

A guide and vehicle might cost around USD $500 per night, though this can vary per destination. On a private safari, this cost is split among the guests. So, lets say if guests Jim and Pam are the only two, they each pay USD $250 per night. But if guests Michael, Dwight, Stanley, Angela, Kevin, and Oscar go together, they share the USD $500, paying just USD $83.33 each per night.

Of course, six-person safaris are rare. Usually, it’s solo travelers or couples who don’t want to foot the entire vehicle bill. Enter the scheduled safari: For instance, a solo traveller Jan can join a scheduled safari, where costs are divided among seven seats. This way, Jan gets her adventure without breaking the bank.

Scheduled safaris offer preset itineraries and charge per seat, making safaris much more affordable. Whether you’re a solo adventurer or a duo, this option allows you to enjoy the experience without shouldering all the logistical costs.

Safari Trip Planning Tip: Scheduled tours need a minimum number of seats booked to depart, so solo travelers might have to wait for others to join. Even if the vehicle isn’t fully booked, the rate per seat remains the same, making scheduled safaris a cost-effective way to explore Africa.

Group of people observing a lioness in Madikwe Game Reserve | Photo credit: Morukuru
Group of people observing a lioness in Madikwe Game Reserve | Photo credit: Morukuru

On-the-go vs Immersive Leisure

Scheduled safaris tend to have a philosophy of “as much as possible, in as short a time as possible”.

In other words, they aim to cover a lot of ground very quickly. This is so that guests can tick certain destinations off of their list and that the tour operator can “guarantee” that guests can go to the destinations they want to without paying “a premium”.

Most scheduled safaris do not include more than two consecutive nights at one property. The pace is on-the-go from start to end.

The difference with a tailored safari is that it can be structured to account for both on-the-go and leisure time. There is more time to settle into a destination on leisurely tailored safaris compared to scheduled safaris.

You might check off less destinations but a tailored tour is a far more immersive way to experience a safari, with an itinerary personalised to your specific tastes.

A happy couple on honeymoon standing in the Victoria Falls mist
A happy couple on honeymoon standing in the Victoria Falls.mist

Finding Your Tribe

The cool thing about group safaris is that you will be with the same group of people from start to finish.

This can always be a bit awkward at the start but as time goes by you end up making a lot of lifelong friends as they share in “special and lifelong lasting” memories and sightings from the trip.

Consider that for the rest of your life, you will end up telling stories that involve these people that were complete strangers to you before your safari. If you’re inclined to a more social experience, you’ll eat with them, travel with them, go on activities with them and make memories with them.

There are obviously some people that grow tired of some of the people in their group, but ideally they ‘should have saved up more and gone on a private safari’.

Tailored safaris, ultimately, offer a watered-down version of this.

You will only share activities and meals with other guests when you are staying at the same lodge as them. So, for example on a tailored safari, at lodge one, you might meet people that you enjoy spending time with, but you will more than likely only be with them for a couple of days.

When you move onto the next lodge, you will meet new people and start the cycle again.

Gomoti Private safari, image credit, Gomoti Private
A guide prepares for a Gomoti Private safari game drive. Photo Credit | Gomoti Private

Setting Your Safari Expectations

It’s important to remember a scheduled safari will cover the “highlights” of a country.

What this means is that a travel provider will find the most affordable spot in a National Park and use a property in that area. You won’t stay there for long, and move on quickly. Schedule tour guests tend to be in busier sections of parks. This typically means less exclusivity of the area, and possibly missing out on certain “must see destinations” because they are too far out of the way of the scheduled tours routing.

Scheduled tours do however offer peace of mind and a sense of community, which can be especially reassuring for travelers unfamiliar with the region.

  • First-Time Visitors: If you’re new to safaris or Africa, scheduled tours offer a structured and hassle-free way to explore the continent.
  • Solo Travelers: Individuals traveling alone will appreciate the companionship and safety of a group setting.
  • Budget Travelers: Those looking to experience Africa’s wildlife without breaking the bank will find scheduled tours to be a practical choice.

The customization of a private tour, where you can choose exactly where you want to go and when, adds to its appeal for travellers looking for a one-of-a-kind adventure. They are perfect for those celebrating special occasions, nature enthusiasts looking to see specific wildlife, or if you’re wanting a deeper connection with Africa’s natural and cultural heritage. It’s about a far more slower, and relaxed pace.

  • Luxury Travelers:  Perfect for those wanting a high-end, exclusive safari experience with premium accommodations and services.
  • Experienced Safari-Goers: If you’ve been on a safari before and want to explore less-visited areas or have specific interests, a tailor-made tour can cater to your advanced needs.
  • Families and Groups: Tailor-made tours are perfect for families or groups who want a private, cohesive experience without the constraints of a group tour.


Ready to book your bucket list safari experience? Reach out to safari travel experts who have fist-hand safari knowledge to guide you, and help plan the right trip for you. 

AI Trip Planning Tools Making Travel Easier

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) trip planning tools has transformed the trip planning experience for travellers, particularly for wildlife safaris, enabling more precise and memorable adventures.

Several leading travel companies like Expedia, Tripadvisor, GetYourGuide, and Discover Africa are already offering travellers AI travel planning tools to make the process easier, and the trend is expected to continue.

When it comes to safari trip planning, being able to predict animal movements, weather conditions, and optimal viewing times maximises guests’ chances of witnessing nature’s marvels in the most impactful way possible. To this, tailored recommendations to satisfied seasoned adventurers and the ability to support conservation efforts are some of the added benefits.

Here, we explore five cutting-edge AI tools that are changing the travel planning experience. 

1. Google’s Trip Itinerary Search

Let’s face it: most travel planning efforts start with a Google search. The search giant has dipped into the realm of AI with Gemini, its Generative AI answer to ChatGPT, which took the world by storm just over a year ago.

Now, Google’s new AI-driven tools for Search and Maps assist travellers in creating detailed itineraries and exploring destinations more efficiently.

An experimental AI-based function in search crafts personalized trip itineraries, including suggestions for flights, hotels, attractions, and dining. The function links directly to travel company sites for bookings, According to this review by Skift’s Justin Dawes. 

The updates in Google Maps focus on delivering richer destination information with local recommendations and lists of top dining spots (currently only available in North America). Photos and reviews use AI-enhanced capabilities to help discover notable aspects of places and even identify local dishes. Additionally, Maps users can now organize personalized lists of their favorite spots, further enhancing their travel planning experience.

The introduction of a translation tool, allowing real-time content translation without app switching, further underscores Google’s push for travel planning convenience. 

Google AI Trip Itinerary Screengrab
Google’s new AI-driven tools creates detailed itineraries to plan around. Source: Google.

2. TripAdvisor’s AI-Powered Recommendations

TripAdvisor’s Trips has enhanced its platform with AI to deliver personalized travel recommendations, drawing from users’ past interactions and reviews.

It effectively uses natural language processing to distill and summarize key insights from extensive user reviews, making it easier for travellers to make informed decisions.

The platform also supports collaborative trip planning, providing tailored suggestions that accommodate the preferences of all group members. The AI functionality is only available for select destinations, but the potential for easy trip planning as a global tool is clear. 

Tripadvisor's AI Trip Planning screengrab
Tripadvisor uses natural language processes to simplify and summarize important information from detailed user reviews, helping travellers make informed decisions more easily. Source: Tripadvisor.

3. Herd Tracker: AI Prediction Precision in Safari Planning

Wildlife tracking app HerdTracker has launched a new AI tool to more accurately predict where to see East Africa’s Great Wildebeest Migration, arguably one of the most incredible natural spectacles on the planet. This precision significantly improves the chances of unforgettable encounters, maximizing the value of what can often be a once-in-a-lifetime trip.

The tracking app utilizes ten years of historical and real-time data to predict the location of wildlife herds. Developed with the safari-goer in mind, it allows tour operators and tourists to pinpoint the best times and locations for witnessing the Great Migration across Tanzania’s Serengeti and Kenya’s Maasai Mara. 

HerdTracker also personalizes the safari experience with customized data-based recommendations for lodges close to the predicted areas and river crossings according to the user’s preferences.  Each itinerary is uniquely tailored to maximize wildlife viewing opportunities, aiding in managing expectations and trip planning efficiency.

Other wildlife tracking and data analytics players include WildTrack and SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool), which also utilize technology to enhance wildlife conservation and tourism. However, HerdTracker’s focus on the Great Migration and its integration of comprehensive historical data sets it apart as a specialized tool for safari planning.

HerdTracker AI Tracking Tool
HerdTracker uses an AI Clustering Technique accurately predict where to see the Great Migration. Source: HerdTracker.

4. Kayak’s Virtual Travel Assistant

Kayak’s AI-driven virtual assistant, Ask Kayak, ispowered by the online travel booking platform’s historical data and OpenAi’s ChatGPT. Users can ask specific questions about flight routes or destinations for planned trips. Key features include comprehensive displays of flight, lodging, and car rental options alongside tools that suggest the optimal times to travel and provide essential destination information. For now, its options for African destinations are limited.   

In summary, AI will continue to shape travel planning and booking as more companies leverage its capabilities to improve overall trip management and provide a more efficient and tailored travel experience. 

Ask Kayak AI Tool Screengrab
Ask Kayak displays essential destination information along side flights, lodgings and car rental. It’s options for travel to Africa are limited for now. Source: Kayak.