My favorite uncle taught me bush skills that enabled me to survive in these harsh environments. I learned to track animals, their migration routes and feeding habits, the ecology of the land and how to recognize important celestial navigation points. My love for this natural world expanded to the point of wanting a more formal education in order to support myself and eventually a family.
I left the village at 21 yrs and travelled to Arusha and met a friend who helped me land a job as a porter on Kilimanjaro. No kidding, this was tough! With no weight limits for porters at that time, it was not unusual to carry loads of 70 lbs or more. I did this for 5 years. But my dream for more education along with the idea I could support a family in the future as a wildlife guide spurred me on.
HerdTracker updates from Malaki Samwell Saningo

Malaki Samwell Saningo |
05 Jul 2018
This guide returned from his morning game drive and captured a big herd in the Musabi Plains
This guide returned from his morning game drive and captured a big herd in the Musabi Plains heading towards the Grumeti Reserve.
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