HerdTracker updates from Olivia Wright

Olivia Wright |
13 Feb 2019
Olivia Wright spotted a lion pride and wildebeest newly-borns in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area
Olivia Wright spotted a lion pride and a wildebeest newly-born in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.
With the promise of short rains, the young wildebeest are almost guaranteed fresh and constant grass all the way into the central parts of the Serengeti.
With thousands of baby wildebeest running around it is much easier for a mother lion, cheetah or leopard to find a meal for their hungry cubs as well as give them the opportunity to learn how to hunt for themselves by practicing on young calves before they have to go out and fend for themselves! Young cubs learn valuable lessons during this time which is crucial to their success.
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Nearest lodge: A&K Sanctuary Ngorongoro Crater Camp