Hi Carel,
This morning at 7:00 a.m there was a good crossing of many wildebeest at the main Serena crossing point. At 7:30 a.m on the west bank, a male leopard that resides at the main crossing caught and killed a yearling wildebeest and dragged it off downstream. This stalled the crossing for 20 minutes.
Later at 10:00 a.m, more wildebeest crossed from west to east at the cul de sac crossing up stream from the main crossing. They crossed at two places, with an estimate of 2,000 crossing.
There are many wildebeest and zebra on the Paradise Plains, Rhino Ridge, Topi Plains, Bila Shaka river bed environs, Musiara grasslands and the Musiara Marsh. There could be at least 500,000 animals in residence.