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When to Go on an Okavango Delta Safari

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When to Go on an Okavango Delta Safari

The best time to visit the Okavango Delta is between June and October, when the dry season coincides with the peak of the annual floodwaters. 

However, the Delta is a year-round safari destination thanks to its permanent wetlands and abundant resident wildlife. 

From November to April, the rainy season transforms the Delta into a lush paradise, enhancing its appeal for birdwatching and offering a unique perspective on this remarkable ecosystem.

High Season (June to October)

Elephant strolling through the Okavango Delta | Photo credit: Kavram via Canva
Elephant strolling through the Okavango Delta | Photo credit: Kavram via Canva

Overview: The high season is the most popular time for visiting the Okavango Delta. This period coincides with the dry season when water levels in the Delta are at their peak, providing exceptional wildlife viewing opportunities.


  • Temperature: Daytime temperatures range from 20°C to 30°C (68°F to 86°F), while nighttime temperatures can drop to around 5°C to 10°C (41°F to 50°F).
  • Rainfall: This period sees very little rain, resulting in sparse vegetation and better visibility for wildlife spotting.

Wildlife Sightings:

  • Big Game: Increased chances of seeing large herds of elephants, buffalo, and other game as they gather around water sources.
  • Bird Watching: Although not the peak bird-watching season, resident bird species are still abundant.


  • High wildlife concentration around water sources.
  • Ideal conditions for water-based activities like mokoro trips and boat cruises.
  • Pleasant temperatures during the day.


  • Cooler nights and mornings require warm clothing.
  • The dry landscape may not be as visually appealing as the lush green of the wet season.
  • Higher prices and more tourists.

Low Season (November to May)

Sunrise over the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Sunrise over the Okavango Delta, Botswana

Overview: The low season is characterized by the arrival of the rains and the transformation of the Delta into a lush, green paradise. This is the best time for birdwatching and seeing newborn animals.


  • Temperature: Daytime temperatures range from 25°C to 35°C (77°F to 95°F), with high humidity. Nighttime temperatures are mild, ranging from 15°C to 20°C (59°F to 68°F).
  • Rainfall: Expect afternoon thunderstorms, particularly from December to February. The rain revitalizes the landscape, making it lush and green.

Wildlife Sightings:

  • Bird Watching: This is the peak season for birdwatching, with many migratory species present.
  • Newborn Animals: Many animals give birth during this period, providing opportunities to see young wildlife.


  • Lush, green landscapes.
  • Excellent bird watching opportunities.
  • Lower tourist numbers, leading to a more exclusive experience.
  • Often lower prices and special offers on safaris.


  • Higher temperatures and humidity.
  • Increased mosquito activity and higher risk of malaria.
  • Dense vegetation can make wildlife spotting more challenging.

Key Considerations for Each Month:

Baby Hippo with Mom in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Baby Hippo with Mom in the Okavango Delta, Botswana

June to October (High Season):

  • June: Cooler temperatures begin; good visibility for game drives.
  • July to August: Coldest months, especially at night; peak wildlife viewing.
  • September: Warming up; animals still concentrated around water sources.
  • October: Start of the transition to the wet season; still excellent for game viewing.

November to May (Low Season):

  • November: Start of the wet season; the Delta begins to turn green.
  • December to February: Hottest and wettest months; best for birdwatching and seeing newborns.
  • March: End of the wet season; still green and lush.
  • April: Transition month; cooler temperatures and decreasing rainfall.
  • May: Dry season starts; game viewing improves as the landscape begins to dry out.

Each season in the Okavango Delta offers unique rewards for nature enthusiasts and first-time visitors. For the best experience on your safari in the Okavango Delta, trust our experts to plan your perfect trip and ensure you experience the highlights of this stunning destination.
